Welcome to Your Macedon Ranges for Monday, October 14, to Sunday, October 20.
🎟️ Tickets to Mountain Festival are now on sale. Newly announced guests include garden designer Paul Bangay, Indigenous author Bruce Pascoe, novelist Robbie Arnott, climate scientist and author Joëlle Gergis, and musician Tim Rogers. There will also be workshops, as well as Ash Wednesday play readings with Shane Jacobson and Pia Miranda. Mountain Festival will be held in Macedon from November 22-24. Click here for the festival program and tickets.
🎡 The first of this year’s agricultural shows will take place on Sunday. Lancefield Show will hold competitions throughout the day, including woodchopping, a tractor pull and terrier races. Sheep, poultry and cattle will be on display and there will be market stalls and rides. You can buy ride wristbands at an earlybird price of $35.
🦘 In this week’s smartphone photography tip, Tiffany Warner gets up close with a kangaroo and explains how to photograph animals when time is of the essence. Scroll down below the event guide to see her advice and photo.
Here are the events and activities happening in the Macedon Ranges this week:
Click the links for more info 👇
Tuesday, October 15
Walk Labyrinth Walk: Music and arts educator Stephen Holgate will discuss the ancient origins of labyrinths, including the myth of Perseus and the minotaur, and their connection to pilgrimage, contemplative walking, and reflecting on life. This gentle 15-minute walk will explore the beautiful labyrinth at Kyneton’s Catholic church gardens. Hosted by Kyneton U3A. All welcome. Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Ebden St, Kyneton. 10am.
Community Chatty Café: Enjoy a cuppa and a natter. Woodend Neighbourhood House, Forest St. 10am-11am.
Craft A Curious Circle – Magazine Collage: Create things in a friendly and inclusive setting. Romsey Library, Main St, Romsey. 5pm-7pm. Free.
Wednesday, October 16
Food & Drink The Melbourne Cup Visits Trentham: Join leading jockey Jamie Kah and Sky Racing expert Marc Ohlmus at a two-course luncheon and have your photo taken with the Melbourne Cup. Hotel Trentham, High St, Trentham. 12pm-3pm. From $99.50.
Game Canasta Club: Join a friendly group to play the card game Canasta. Beginners welcome. Macedon & Mount Macedon Community House, 47 Victoria St, Macedon. 2pm-5pm.
Singing Woodend Warblers: Community choir. Norma Richardson Hall, Buckland St, Woodend. 7pm. $12 (first session free).
Quiz Trivia Night: General knowledge quiz. The Victoria Hotel, High St, Woodend. 7pm. Free.
Thursday, October 17
Nature Wildflowers – What’s on your Roadside?: Learn about the flora and fauna found in the Macedon Ranges. With roadside conservation officer Josh Gomez. 96 Cemetery Rd, Tylden. 10am-11am. Free.
Film The Mummy: See the original 1932 movie on the big screen. Gisborne Library, Hamilton St, Gisborne. 5.30pm-6.45pm. Free.
Friday, October 18
Talk Dr Christopher Gyngell – The Ethics of Gene Editing: Dr Christopher Gyngell, a biomedical ethics expert from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and the University of Melbourne, will discuss the science of gene editing and its ethical challenges. He will explore how advancements in this technology affect human health and reproduction, and raise important societal and moral questions. Hosted by Kyneton U3A. All welcome. Red Brick Hall, 23 Yaldwyn St West, Kyneton. 2pm. Free.
Community Holy Cross Primary School Twilight Fair: Rides, entertainment, food trucks, market stalls and more. Holy Cross Primary School, Hamilton Rd, New Gisborne. 4pm-8pm.
Music David Knight: Acoustic folk and roots. Mount Macedon Hotel, 694 Mount Macedon Rd, Mount Macedon. 7pm-10pm.
Music The Simba Sessions: Music, storytelling and poetry. Featuring Kate Lucetta, Stephen Grady and Jason Voss. Kyneton Uniting Church, Ebden St. 7pm-11pm. General $20, Concession $15, First Nations $10.
Art Kerrie Hall Art Show Grand Opening: With Adam Cusack. Kerrie Hall, Kerrie Valley Rd, Kerrie. 7.30pm-10pm. $20.
Theatre Legally Blonde: Musical based on the Reese Witherspoon movie. Legally Blonde: The Musical follows the transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes and scandal in pursuit of her dreams. Performed by Kyneton Theatre Company. Bluestone Theatre, Hutton St, Kyneton. 8pm-10.30pm. Adult $38, Concession $30, Child $28.
Theatre Trap for a Lonely Man: A thriller about a newly married man who has apparently lost his wife. Performed by the Cathouse Players. Masonic Centre, 7-9 Yaldwyn St West, Kyneton. 8pm-11pm. Full $25, Concession $20.
Music D.C. Cross: Instrumental ecstatic guitarist. Major Tom’s, 57 Piper St, Kyneton. 8.30pm-11pm. $15.
Saturday, October 19
Exercise Parkruns: 5km fun runs/walks in Gisborne (Dixon Field), Lancefield (Lancefield Park) and Woodend (Campaspe Dr). All abilities welcome. 8am. Free.
Market Riddells Creek Farmers’ and Makers’ Markets: Memorial Dr, Riddells Creek. 9am-1pm.
Market Trentham Farmers’ Market: Town Square, High St, Trentham. 9am-1pm.
Market Glenlyon Village Market: Shire Hall, Barkly St, Glenlyon. 9am-1pm.
Garden Duneira Open Garden: Enjoy the grand garden at Duneira at its springtime peak. Duneira, 1 Officer Ln, Mount Macedon. 10am-4pm. Adult $12, Senior $10, Child (under 16) free.
Author Talk Melanie Saward – Love Unleashed: Join author Melanie Saward as she discusses her heartwarming new novel in which Bigambul woman Brynn Wallace leaves Brisbane for New York to chase dreams of a glamorous career. But instead of the high life, Brynn finds herself working at a doggy daycare with a nightmare boss. Gisborne Library, Hamilton St, Gisborne. 11am-12pm. Free.
Workshop Blacksmith Class: Join blacksmith Rob Nansen to learn the basics of blacksmithing. Make your own fire poker. Woodend Neighbourhood House, Forest St. 1pm-4pm. $140.
Theatre Legally Blonde: Musical based on the Reese Witherspoon movie. Legally Blonde: The Musical follows the transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes and scandal in pursuit of her dreams. Performed by Kyneton Theatre Company. Bluestone Theatre, Hutton St, Kyneton. 2pm-4.30pm, 8pm-10.30pm. Adult $38, Concession $30, Child $28.
Theatre Trap for a Lonely Man: A thriller about a newly married man who has apparently lost his wife. Performed by the Cathouse Players. Masonic Centre, 7-9 Yaldwyn St West, Kyneton. 2pm-5pm. Full $25, Concession $20.
Beer Brewery Tour: See how beer is brewed. Holgate Brewhouse, High St, Woodend. 3pm-4.30pm. $25.
Music Lizanne Richards and Gavan Andersson: Alternative-folk blues. Gindu, High St, Woodend. 3.30pm-6.30pm.
Community Light Up the Night Bonfire: Crackling flames, sizzling sausages and the sound of music filling the air. Iain Archibald Band, food trucks, beer and cider. Fundraiser for local CFA. Bolinda Town Hall, Mullalys Rd, Bolinda. 5pm. Gold coin donation.
Music Achey Peace: Grunge and alternative rock music in the beer garden. Mount Macedon Hotel, 694 Mount Macedon Rd, Mount Macedon. 5pm-8pm.
Music Ollie: Live music in the bar. The Victoria Hotel, High St, Woodend. 6.30pm-10pm.
Theatre The Vessel & Until Then: The Vessel, by Dawn Bamforth, tells the story of an older woman with dementia, and the small acts of kindness in her final days. Paul Canlan’s short play Until Then is about a father’s relationship with his son. The Social Foundry, Mollison St, Kyneton. 7pm-8.30pm. $45.
Music Mick Harvey with Amanda Acevedo: Mick Harvey, best known as a founding member of The Boys Next Door, The Birthday Party and Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, will perform songs from his solo album Five Ways to Say Goodbye with Mexican singer Amanda Acevedo and a string quartet. Kyneton Town Hall, Mollison St, Kyneton. 8pm-10.05pm. Full $64, Group (6+) $59.
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Sunday, October 20
Market Daylesford Sunday Market: Daylesford Railway Station, Raglan St. 8am-3pm.
Market Malmsbury Farmers’ and Artists’ Market: Malmsbury village green, Mollison St. 9am-1pm.
Community Lancefield Show: Working dog trials, tractor pull, woodchop, sheep, poultry, market stalls, and rides. Lancefield Park, Chauncey St. 9am-4pm. Adult $15, Concession $10.
Garden Duneira Open Garden: Enjoy the grand garden at Duneira at its springtime peak. Duneira, 1 Officer Ln, Mount Macedon. 10am-4pm. Adult $12, Senior $10, Child (under 16) free.
Fashion Family Clothing Swap: Bring along up to eight garments to swap (women’s, men’s and children’s), including shoes, bags and accessories. Raffle and afternoon tea. The Mechanics Trentham, 66 High St, Trentham. 1pm-3pm. Gold coin donation.
Theatre Trap for a Lonely Man: A thriller about a newly married man who has apparently lost his wife. Performed by the Cathouse Players. Masonic Centre, 7-9 Yaldwyn St West, Kyneton. 2pm-5pm. Full $25, Concession $20.
Music Castlemaine Chamber Players: Sasha Bronshtein and Heather Cummins (violins), Frances Gall (viola) and Elisabeth Anderson (cello) will perform music by Mozart and Beethoven. Church of the Resurrection, Honour Ave, Macedon. 3pm-4.30pm. Adult $45, Concession $35.
Beer Brewery Tour: See how beer is brewed. Holgate Brewhouse, High St, Woodend. 3pm-4.30pm. $25.
Beekeeping Woodend Bee-Friendly Society: Monthly meeting. Woodend Neighbourhood House, Forest St, Woodend. 3pm-4.30pm.
Singing Rainbow Voices Community Choir: LGBTQIA+ and allies choir. For anyone aged 13 and over. Kyneton Community House Good Food Hub, 35 High St, Kyneton. 4pm-6pm.
Kerrie Kerrie Hall Art Show: Exhibition of local artwork. Sat-Sun 10am-5pm. Opening event Fri 7.30pm (details above).
Kyneton The Old Auction House: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat-Sun 10am-4pm.
Kyneton Art on Piper: Exhibitions: Ali Hill, Things With Wings. Every day 10am-4pm.
Kyneton Stockroom: Exhibitions: Pia Johnson, Alicia King, Victoria Lynagh. Thu-Sat 10.30am-5pm, Sun 11am-4pm.
Kyneton Cusack & Cusack: Fri-Sun 10am-3pm.
Kyneton Kyneton Museum: Exhibition: Nurses, Medicine and Caring. Fri-Sun. 11am-4pm.
Kyneton Kyneton Ridge Artspace: Exhibition: Lucie Howson. Sat & Sun 11am-5pm. (Artists are invited to submit artworks for the annual summer show. Email jordan@kynetonridge.com.au)
Mount Macedon The Gallery: Exhibition: Elizabeth Harvey. Fri-Tues 10am-4pm.
Newham Hanging Rock Winery: Exhibition: Art in the Vines (sculptures). Sat & Sun 10am-5pm.
Trentham Trentham District Story: Outdoor display telling the story of Trentham from its earliest Indigenous inhabitants to the present day. Open every day in the grounds of the Old Police Station, 3-5 Camp St, Trentham.
Trentham Little Gallery: Fri-Mon 10am-4pm.
Woodend The Back Shed Gallery: 33 Urquhart St, Woodend. Tues-Sun 10am-5pm.
Coming up
Magic & Cabaret Sass and Secrets: An evening of sharp wit, show tunes and magic with magician Cath Jamison and caberet singer Aurora Kurth. Newham Mechanics Institute, 1292 Rochford Rd, Newham. 6.30pm-10pm. $30. October 26.
Garden Duneira Bluebell Festival: Enjoy live music whilst exploring the beautiful gardens. Market stalls plus CWA scones and jam, lunch options, and coffee, wine, and gin. Duneira, Officer Ln, Mount Macedon. 10am-3pm. General admission $35, Senior $30. November 2-3.
Have a great week!

P.S. I’ve tried my best to ensure accuracy, but please follow the links above to confirm details before attending events.
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Your Macedon Ranges is researched, written, and edited by me alone. Compiling it takes me 10+ hours each week. I love doing it, and the response has been incredible. I’m very grateful for your kind words.
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Snap it with your phone
Professional photographer Tiffany Warner explains how to capture spontaneous photographs of animals.

Animals are always fun to photograph. In this instance, I was surprised by a kangaroo, so I spoke to it in a soft tone and went to retrieve my phone. When I returned, the kangaroo was still there.
The best way to photograph animals is at eye level. While continuing to talk softly to the kangaroo, I held my phone up to match its eye level. I didn’t have much time to plan the shot – time was of the essence – but using the phone’s Portrait mode would have added depth of field (blur) to improve the image.
💡 Tip: Try getting to the eye level of animals your photograph.
Happy snapping!

📷 In addition to portrait and commercial work, Tiffany Warner runs short courses on smartphone photography for social media. See more of her images on Instagram.
In the news
🏘️ GISBORNE: A developer says red tape is holding him back from building at least 1,000 homes on 200 hectares near Gisborne. Macedon Ranges Shire Council has zoned the land for 64 properties. “Developers like us are actually trying to deliver housing for people but everywhere we go we find more roadblocks,” Intrapac Property chief executive Max Shifman said.
☕ NEWHAM: Residents are rallying to secure a future for Newham General Store. The owners announced the store’s closure in a public statement, saying they had been “unable to extend the lease past the current term”.
🏗️ MALMSBURY: Malmsbury Reservoir’s heritage-listed access bridge will be reinstated this month after an $895,000 restoration process. The 50m bridge and tower were constructed in 1906.
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